New Mobile Homes


Written on 4:23 AM by Shiv Prasad

It can be rightfully said that the chasm between mobile homes and traditional bricks and mortar homes is narrowing day by day. New mobile homes can be as trendy as they come, complete with all the amenities – both necessary and luxurious. In contemporary mobile homes, you can even attach a sauna, a bath or a Jacuzzi without much of a problem.

The days of derision towards mobile homes and their owners are coming to an end. There are about 10 million Americans today who are living in mobile homes, individually and in parks. There are ‘snowbirds,’ who have permanent residences in northern areas and move to warm southern climes in winter; or they may be people who are busy accruing money for a more stable home in future. People of almost all groups are now accepting mobile homes.

Even the designing of mobile homes has undergone a sea change. Gone are the days when mobile homes spelt shoddy, uninteresting designs and sharp walls. Today there are a wide array of finishes such as tiles, veneers, wallpapers, distempers and even bricks, as in traditional homes. Mobile homes today can be affixed to permanent foundations, so that there would be no difference, seemingly, between a mobile home and any other home.

Not just the structure and design, but also the nomenclature of mobile homes has undergone a change. Mobile homes are now called manufactured homes. Most of their parts are constructed in factories and then shipped to the sites of location. Here they are bolted and fastened together. Modern technology has enabled manufactured homes to be better affixed, thus eliminating the possibilities of leaks and seepages through their joints.

Web Promotion Company India


Written on 1:27 AM by Shiv Prasad

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